I wanted to find something new that would spark inspiration for my current wardrobe, rather than buying all new pieces and spending thousands, yet still feel that million dollar confidence.

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words by JULIA VON BOEHM • edited by DIANDRA BARSALOU MITCHELL • Shop The StoryFashion<strong< strong=””></strong<>

12 Affordable dresses to bring the sparkle back to your holiday wardrobe, and how to style them the JVB way.

With this season’s holiday events and parties just around the corner, I found myself looking at my clothes with that feeling of wanting something new and being bored with my wardrobe, yet knowing my pieces are still beautiful and just in need of a little refresh. I wanted to find something new that would enable me to feel excited about stepping out, rather than buying all new pieces and spending thousands.

With the idea to find some fun things for a more affordable purchase, I went to the Zara and Reformation websites, and was blown away with their holiday offerings. I ordered right away, tried them on, and had them tailored. Tailoring your clothes to fit perfectly is the key to looking like million dollars no matter how much your outfit cost.

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I strongly feel that sometimes this is a great way to go. I have previously been totally committed to luxury luxury luxury, but with a changing climate and industry, there is ingenuity in the hi-lo concept, and creativity to be found in styling up a dress or seasonal suit. For example, your favorite pair of heels, an heirloom jewelry piece, that luxurious lingerie set that makes you feel like a sexy superwoman on the inside, and a red or nude manicure.

“I ordered right away, tried them on and had them tailored. Tailoring your clothes to fit perfectly is the key to looking like million dollars no matter how much your outfit cost.”

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